Progressive Education OT-MFR Courses For the Community

To schedule a course at your facility or for your group, please contact

Offered to Therapists, Healthcare Professionals, Patients and the Community

  • Pediatrics: Movin’ and Groovin” with OT/MFR
  • OT/MFR Self-Treatment for Breast Health and Recovery
  • Identifying and Treating Chronic Pain Patterns In Your Body
  • The Fascial Hand: Self-Treatment for Carpal Tunnel & Other Issues
  • The Fascial Foot: Self-Treatment for Plantar Fascitis & Other Issues
  • The “Fascial Facial”: Self-treatment for Looking Your Best For Free!
  • Geriatrics: The Gentle Approach of OT/MFR Daily Stretching
  • OT/MFR Stretching for Children: Indiv/Group ages 6-12, ages 12-18
  • OT/MFR Stretching: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Skill Levels
  • Focused Group Self-Treatment Series: First Night, Second Wind, Advanced Insight, December Series (Pre-requisite: taken in order listed)
  • Women’s Breast Health Seminar

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