Women’s Breast Health Seminar

The Intuitive Body 5615 Springboro Pike West Carrollton (Dayton) Ohio 45449

Come join us for this important Seminar! You will learn how to use Myofascial Release self- treatment to know your breast tissue intimately through enlightened palpation techniques, followed by self-treatment techniques to keep breast tissue fluid, soft and healthy. Treating your breasts daily increases awareness so that you know exactly how every part of your breasts feel….nipples, ducts, surrounding tissue, including underarm and neck areas. This awareness is crucial in working with your medical professional as part of your health examinations. In the event there is an abnormality, MFR self-treatment will likely help you to find it very early. Many of these abnormalities are fluid-filled cysts, fibrous tissue, scar tissue or calcification which can be treated and prevented using daily MFR self-treatment. MFR is not meant to take the place of your regular medical examinations. It enables you to have more awareness so that if you feel something isn’t right, you can inform your doctor earlier rather than having it discovered much later. Per availability, special guest speaker (to be announced) will present information on non-invasive and non-painful medical thermography for breast (and whole body) imaging. Thermography and MFR go hand-in-hand in that thermography reveals areas of inflammation, and MFR treats these areas! Rather than living in fear of “finding  a surprise lump” or abnormality, it’s time to confidently celebrate our healthy breasts! Where there is awareness, there is choice!

Class size is limited to 12, so register early!
TO REGISTER: email dru@theintuitivebody.com

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